Official Red Book: A Guide Book of Washington Quarters, 3rd Edition
Washington Quarters, expanded and updated in an all-new third edition, is an in-depth study of our nation's most popular modern coin. It features the colorful historical research that readers expect from Q. David Bowers, including a biography of the...
A Guide Book of U.S. Paper Money, 8th Edition
A Guide Book of United States Paper Money is a collector’s price guide and history of the paper currency of the United States dating from federal issues introduced during the Civil War to modern-day cash. Written by numismatists Arthur L...
A Guide Book of Franklin & Kennedy Half Dollars, 4th Edition
Guide Book of Franklin and Kennedy Half Dollars, 4th edition Franklin half dollars and Kennedy half dollars are two of the most popular modern U.S. coin series. Professional numismatist Rick Tomaska specializes in them. He says, “Collectors can...
A Guide Book of Lincoln Cents, 4th Edition
A Guide Book of Lincoln Cents, 4th edition 328 pages. $24.95. Generations of coin collectors have grown up with the ever-popular Lincoln cent. Now, Q. David Bowers provides a detailed study of this great American classic, from its birth in 1909 through...
Official Red Book: A Guide Book of Liberty Seated Silver Coins, 2nd Edition
A Guide Book of Liberty Seated, 2nd edition 608 pages. $29.95. Immerse yourself in the full expanse of the U.S. Mint's historic Liberty Seated coinage—half dimes, dimes, twenty-cent pieces, quarters, half dollars, Gobrecht dollars, silver dollars,...
A Guide Book of Barber Silver Coins, 3rd Edition
A Guide Book of Barber Silver Coins, 3rd edition 400 pages. $29.95. Award-winning author Q. David Bowers offers fresh insight into the 1892–1916 silver coinage of U.S. Mint engraver Charles E. Barber. These coins were the workhorses of American...
Official Red Book: A Guide Book of Morgan Silver Dollars, 7th Edition
Americans love to collect the beautiful and...
A Guide Book of American Silver Eagles
As a widely admired collector coin, the American Silver Eagle has been called...
A Guide Book of Quarter Eagle Gold Coins
“The quarter eagle, face value of $2.50, occupies an unusual place in American currency,” says author Q. David Bowers. Unlike larger gold coins, it was too small to be commonly used in export and international trade. It also never became...
American Silver Eagles: A Guide to the U.S. Bullion Coin Program, 4th Edition
More than 600 million American Silver Eagles have been sold since 1986, making them the most popular bullion coins in the history of the United States. The coins are treasured by collectors and investors around the world. In American Silver Eagles, John...
A Guide Book of Continental Currency and Coins (The Official Red Book) - 13 Colonies
A Guide Book of Continental Currency and Coins Foreword by Christopher R. McDowell Only a few weeks after the “Shot Heard 'Round the World,” the American Continental Congress authorized its very first issuance of paper money. Continental...
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Official Red Book: A Guide Book of Gold Eagles, 2nd Edition
A Guide Book of Gold Eagle Coins Foreword by Douglas Winter The $10 gold eagle coin, named for the national bird depicted on its reverse, was created in 1795 to be the foundation of America's federal monetary system. Used primarily in international and...