A Guide Book of U.S. Paper Money, 8th Edition
A Guide Book of United States Paper Money is a collector’s price guide and history of the paper currency of the United States dating from federal issues introduced during the Civil War to modern-day cash. Written by numismatists Arthur L...
SILVER: Everything You Need to Know to Buy and Sell Today, 2nd Edition - Garrett
Companion to the best-selling GOLD: Everything You Need to Know to Buy and Sell Today. Silver is even more affordable than gold, and an excellent way to add tangible assets to your portfolio—as well as being the precious metal used to make some of...
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Bible Lore and the Eternal Flame by Kenneth Bressett
The Parable of the Lost Coin. The widow's mite. The coin in the fish's mouth. Money has always played a major role in the Greatest Story Ever Told. And thousands of years later, the coins and artifacts left behind continue to guide us to a greater...
United States Gold Counterfeit Detection Guide
United States Gold Counterfeit Detection Guide Don't be fooled—outsmart the counterfeiters and protect your investment. Bill Fivaz's book for gold collectors is a full-color, 224-page reference for identifying fake gold coins from dollars to double...
Official Red Book: Check List and Record Book of United States and Canadian Coins
Check List and Record Book of United States and Canadian coins Don't lose track of your collection—stay organized with the Check List and Record Book of United States and Canadian Coins. Its 6x9-inch size packs a lot of information into a...
Lost and Found Coin Hoards and Treasures: Illustrated Stories, 2nd Edition - Hardcover
Step inside you won't believe your eyes….Every story inside this book is true. Tales of treasure from sunken ships, bank vaults and reserves, hidden compartments, buried chests and boxes, vintage safes, hiding places of pirates and privateers, old...
Whitman Encyclopedia of Colonial and Early American Coins, 2nd Edition
Q. David BowersForeword by Kenneth Bressett Only Q. David Bowers, the “Dean of American Numismatics,” could have produced a book as comprehensive and authoritative as the first edition of the Whitman Encyclopedia of Colonial and Early...
In God We Trust: The American Civil War, Money, Banking and Religion - Bierly
Our national motto debuted on United States coinage during the chaos and heartache of the American Civil War. It has appeared on our money ever since. Numismatic researcher William Bierly has dug deep into the origins and history of “In God We...
Inside the Rare Coin Market: Secrets to Being a Smart Buyer - A Whitman Guide Book
Q. David Bowers shares more than 60 years of experience as a coin collector, professional dealer, published author or researcher, and past president of the American Numismatic Association. Learn how to build a meaningful and significant coin collection...
GOLD: Everything You Need to Know to Buy and Sell Today, 2nd Edition - Garrett, Bowers
Winner of a Numismatic Literary Guild "Extraordinary Merit" award! Take a personal guided tour of the gold market with two of America's best-known specialists. Jeff Garrett and Q. David Bowers show you how to sell your gold without losing your shirt; how...
Whitman Guidebook - Collecting Coins in Retirement: Action Guide, Estate Advice
Tom Bilotta is an experienced numismatist and writer, and has been a publisher of coin-collecting software for more than 20 years. In this new book he brings that experience to a valuable discussion of collecting during a hobbyist's golden years. "Coin...
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Money of the Bible, 3rd Ed by Ken Bressett - Gorgeous hardcover, full color
Money and coins are mentioned many times, and in many places, in the Bible. No fewer than 16 of the 40 parables preached by Jesus mention coins or money. To the casual reader, these might sound like abstract or symbolic references, but to numismatists,...